Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Hellgate: London @ Strategy Informer
- Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Walkthrough @ OCModShop
- Crysis (PC) @ HEXUS
- Race 07 @ Gamepyre
- Neves Review for Nintendo DS @ OCModShop
- Ice is the new Tanooki: a review of Super Mario Galaxy @ Ars Technica
- NBA 2K8 Xbox 360 @ Tweaktown
Not exactly a MMRPG Diablo
Although Hellgate:London is made by the same team, and has taken promotion to a new level. I have already seen one of the books in a second hand bookstore, the game it’s self has been pimped to us for years, and the demo (with bonus adware!) has been out long enough that most people with even a slight interest have played through it, some twice even. The full game finally reached Gamepyre, who gave it a try, and they do think that it has potential, if they can iron out a few hundred bugs and get some new sounds.