NVIDIA Update Service
The last new feature in this major redesign to NVIDIA control panel software is the use of an update service. It enables you to find and download updates to your system BIOS, drivers and ESA-capable device firmware.
Here is the main system BIOS update page: it tells you what version of the BIOS you are using and its date – handy to access without having to reboot your system that’s for sure. You can even backup your current BIOS to a file here.

This window shows the device driver update section that will actually go online to find updated chipset and GPU drivers. You have the option to only allow manual checks or to have it check for you on a schedule. Even Beta drivers from NVIDIA’s SLIZone are accessible.

Finally, here you can update the firmware of your ESA devices (here we show the power supply, chassis and water cooler) by simply downloading the latest from the manufacturer and using this utility. It would have been nice to see this section also be able to check on the web for updates automatically but NVIDIA doesn’t look to want to keep track of those kinds of manufacturer’s changes.