These new processors, coupled with the new power-optimized Intel 5100 Memory Controller Hub (MCH) chipset, comprise the first 45nm CPU platforms for thermally constrained bladed applications. When using the Intel 5000P chipset, the 45nm processors are ideal for full-performance and memory-intensive applications such as storage, routers, security and medical solutions, as well as communications applications such as IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS).
The processors take advantage of Intel’s Hafnium-based, high-k metal gate transistor formula, which reduces power consumption, increases switching speed and significantly increases transistor density over the company’s previous 65nm manufacturing technology. These 45nm CPU-based platforms, based on the Intel 5100 MCH chipset, are ideal for 200 watt maximum power envelope specifications such as AdvancedTCA* and also for NEBS Level-3 requirements.