Lost Planet
Lost Planet (DirectX 10)
Lost Planet is a 1st or 3rd person shooter that was out originally on the Xbox 360 but then made the transition to a DX9/DX10 title for the PC this summer. Set in a frozen world where you have to kill the opposing aliens in order to sustain enough heat to stay alive, Lost Planet has some visually impressive settings that make it a good benchmark title.

are few DX10 settings that you can enable to adjust for which shader
path you would like to use that are only available on Vista when a DX10
card is detected.

In Lost Planet the new 9800 GX2 card is leading the pack again in performance at both 1600X1200 and 1920X1200 resolutions and by very impressive margins. But again at 2560X1600 the 9800 GX2 card it is not able to keep up with AMD’s top offering.