With a E8500 and a Custom 2stage Cascade (-100 C!) cooler, MADSHRIMPS set out to see just how far they could push the speed.  As it turns out, while they did get a big bump in speed, exotic cooling isn’t really necessary for this processor, air-cooling can get you almost to 5GHz.  You can pick up some good tips on a motherboard to pair it with if you are going to try.

“The Intel E8500 is the highest end dual core CPU currently on the market, it doesn’t get any faster than this… or does it? In this Overclocking report we take a retail E8500 sample for a spin with high end air cooling, than mount a modified phase change cooling on it, and to finish it off pour a few liters of LN2 over it. How high can it fly? How fast does it get? Find out now”

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