Sigma has a new case, which for some reason they decided to call the Unicorn.  The case itself has a some good design ideas in it, and OCC has no trouble recommending it based on it’s qualities.  If you do pick it up, you will have a case that has Unicorn printed on the front panel, so be warned. 

I suppose you could also get a unicorn air-brushed onto the side of the Shag Wagon case that Big Bruin just reviewed, for that authentic late 70’s/early 80’s look.

“Wow, as soon as the packaging comes off of the case, you’ll notice just how sleek the case is. There is a nice black finish on the case that isn’t too glossy and fingerprints don’t show up very easily. The plastic front bezel opens up to reveal the drive bays and a 120mm red LED fan at the bottom of the case, as well as the front panel audio and USB ports. On top of the front bezel you’ll find the power and reset buttons. The back of this case reveals the 120mm exhaust fan that removes a majority of the hot air inside the case.”

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