Now that is a lot for your eyes to take in, but we at PC Perspective also like to keep our members ears busy. While you are checking out the forums, the perfect accompaniment is available in the form of the 31st PCPer Podcast, now available in enhanced multi-formatted flavour.
The first ‘cast of summer
There are plenty of threads in the forums on what pieces of kit should go into a new system, and the hows and whys of whatzit A being better that thingamajig Q, but advice on building a PC specifically to run OSX is fairly unique. Drop by with any suggestions, and see if it can actually be done; and also learn about Ryan’s secret shame.
Drop by the overclocking thread for a little bit of nostalgia; have you ever seen the Nature benchmark at over 500fps or a score of 62675 in 3DMark2001SE? The overclockers are also trying to peg down the best thermal goop, drop by and see which are in the running.
Dropping by the video forum will embroil you in the discussion about AMDs new heavy hitting midrange card, the HD 4850 while nVIDIA’s little attempt to derail AMD is being completely ignored.
Now that is a lot for your eyes to take in, but we at PC Perspective also like to keep our members ears busy. While you are checking out the forums, the perfect accompaniment is available in the form of the 31st PCPer Podcast, now available in enhanced multi-formatted flavour.
Now that is a lot for your eyes to take in, but we at PC Perspective also like to keep our members ears busy. While you are checking out the forums, the perfect accompaniment is available in the form of the 31st PCPer Podcast, now available in enhanced multi-formatted flavour.