BFG took a GeForce 9800 GTX, overclocked it, added a waterblock to it and called it the H2OC.  The reference speeds are GPU core of 675MHz, shaders at 1675MHz and the memory at 2.2GHz, the H2OC runs at 783MHz, 1944MHz and 2.32GHz, but the Guru of 3D managed to push it all the way to 790MHz, 2067MHz and 2.49GHz.  If you have a setup that can take advantage of the watercooled GPU, then this card will be a great investment.

“Marilyn Monroe once stated, some like it hot. And where I say .. some don’t. Yeah, that movie was a comedy yet what I’m talking about definitely is not. Graphics cards. If you can spend the money, there are always solutions out there that can solve the issue. Next to dramatically increasing that good old x-factor of your PC by aesthetically pleasing it, it is also one of the best methods of cooling down components. Yes we are talking about water-cooling.

We have BFG in da house putting down some Mack-daddy lovin at a GeForce 9800 GTX with their H2OC product, derived from H2O (water) and OC as in overclocked. Have a peek.”

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