If you are looking to beat the rest of the gang when piloting a helicopter, jet or any other flying vehicle, you need to get a joystick.  Saitek has been making joysticks for quite a while now, and they have come out with the new Aviator (AV8R) Flight Stick.  Just like mice and keyboards have evolved some rather interesting new tricks, this joystick also has some features you might not have seen before.  Drop by [OC]ModShop to see just what these new tricks are.

“Most PC gamers play with a keyboard and mouse, frankly because most PC gamers are either casual gamers or are playing First-Person-Shooters at their local LAN party. But there are times when you need a custom controller for a particular type of game. For PC gamers, an Xbox 360 controller works just great (read our review here) when a keyboard just won’t do.

One prime example where a real flight stick comes in handy is in Battlefield 2, UT3, or Quake Wars. When in walking mode nothing can really beat the tried-and-true keyboard+mouse, but when you enter a vehicle things can change quickly. Helicopters (or futuristic vehicles that work like them) are particularly difficult to control unless you have a gamepad or flight stick.”

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