Wondering what all the hype about the free games and apps that are available for the new iPhone?  Heard awful things about how the accelerometer handles games like Super Monkey ball, or just how much fun a free game can be?  I4U has spotted a little game called Aurora Feint, and not only did they try it out, they liked it!  If you have recently spent several hours in line in front of a store to get your hot new gadget and activation, check out the review.

“”Today we are taking a look at a fantastic game for the iPhone called Aurora Feint The Beginning. The game is one of the free iPhone Apps you can get from the iTunes App Store. If this game was something you paid for it would be worth the money.

Aurora Feint The Beginning is a fantastic video game and I would have gladly paid money for it. The game makes great and innovative use of the accelerometer inside the iPhone to take puzzle games and turn them upside down (and side to side). The game at first glance looks a lot like Bejeweled that you might have played on the PC, but offers so much more.””

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