“We shall examine two interesting families of Intel processors with 333 MHz (1333 MHz Quad Pumped) FSB, based on the relatively old (Conroe) and relatively new (Wolfdale) cores. We selected the slowest and the fastest CPU from each series. So, even if you are not interested in core comparison, you still get useful information about performance ranges of these CPU families.”Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- AMD’s Phenom X4 9350e @ bit-tech
- Lower- and Higher-End Phenom X3/X4 Processors @ Digit-Life
- Intel Core 2 Duo E7200 Dual-Core Processor @ TechARP
- AMD Phenom 9850 Black Edition CPU @ Futurelooks
- Intel Core 2 Processors Performance Comparison Guide @ TechARP
The best and the worst of Core2Duo
Drop by Digit Life for a comparison of Wolfdale and Conroe CPU’s, both the top models, the E6800 versus the E8500 and the lowest, the E6500 and E8200. The clocks are faster on the Wolfdale chips, but not by so much that the difference is hard to spot, Wolfdale does more per clock; and not just a little bit.