“Although much of the focus in recent weeks has been on upcoming chips based on the next-generation Nehalem microarchitecture, Intel isn’t yet finished advancing its 45nm processors, as witnessed by today’s introduction of a new revision of its dual-socket Xeon server/workstation-class CPUs. This new E-stepping silicon brings a bit of a clock frequency increase and some minor reductions in power draw to the Harpertown Xeons.”Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 “Wolfdale” @ HCW
- Desktop CPU Comparison Guide @ TechARP
- Intel Core 2 Overclocking Basics Article @ OCIA
More of what you want, less of what you need
More processing power for less energy is what Intel’s new Xeons are all about. The top model,a Xeon X5492 runs at 3.4GHz on a 1600MHz FSB and has a 150W TDP. Others are available now, and models with even more impressive stats will be available in the near future. Drop by the Tech Report for a sneak preview.