“Given our reasonably limited budget of just $900 US for a gaming PC, we feel the end result is really very impressive. For example, games such as Sacred 2, Company of Heroes, and Unreal Tournament 3 played in all their glory without a problem at 1680×1050 (22” LCD widescreen resolution). While Crysis Warhead still ran quite well, it will work best with some minor tweaks.”Here are some more Systems articles from around the web:
- YoYoTech Warbird Gaming System @ CPU3D
- Überclok Reactor: Balanced Performance @ AnandTech
- Smooth Creations Volkswagen BUS custom build PC @ Guru of 3D
- Acer Aspire X1200 SFF system @ techspot
- Asus Eee PC S101 @ bit-tech
- System Guide: the Ars Ultimate Budget Box
See Crysis for under $1000 a system
Legion Hardware set themselves a rather difficult task, building a gaming PC for $900 that can handle todays games at a full 1680×1050 resolution. 4GBs of RAM, an Intel Core2 Duo and an HD4850 later and they were playing Crysis Warhead on Gamer settings and seeing an average of 28fps. A few tweaks or some reduction in quality to Mainstream and you can expect the game to play even more smoothly.