Gaming Tests
3DMark Vantage

A reliable and popular benchmark, 3DMark Vantage can provide a good insight into overall gaming performance of a system.

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 105

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 106


One of the most visually impressive games ever built, Crysis also has an incredibly realistic physics and simulation engine.

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 107

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 108

Far Cry 2

Far Cry 2 pairs impressive visuals with a truly interactive and destructible environment.

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 109

ASUS Rampage II Extreme X58 Motherboard Review - Ultimate Enthusiast Platform - Motherboards 110

The gaming scores on X58 motherboards with the Core i7 CPUs are simply impressive!  The ASUS Rampage II Extreme is a great performer but isn’t standing out from the X58 crowd in any way.

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