Gaming Tests
3DMark VantageA reliable and popular benchmark, 3DMark Vantage can provide a good insight into overall gaming performance of a system.

Our first gaming test is a staple amongst enthusiasts and overclockers and while the gains in total 3DMark score aren’t as impressive as we might hope, the CPU score certainly is. The Core i7-965 EE is able to outperform the QX9770 by 55% in that sub-test and thus gain an 8% lead in overall 3DMark score.
World in Conflict
Most RTS games are more CPU intense that other titles and World in Conflict is no exception.

RTS titles tend to be more CPU intense than other games and our results show that is likely the case even with the Core i7 series at the helm. The i7-965 EE is able to muster out an average FPS that is 13% faster than that of the QX9770.
One of the most visually impressive games ever built, Crysis also has an incredibly realistic physics and simulation engine.

While our Crysis testing had minimum FPS scores all over the place with the Core i7 series of CPUs, the average scores are much more straightforward and clearly show a lead with the new Nehalem core parts. A lead of 16% or so is seen when going from the QX9770 to the new Core i7-965 EE.
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 2 pairs impressive visuals with a truly interactive and destructible environment.

Far Cry 2 is our newest gaming benchmark and while the Core i7 series is definitely a great performer in the title the Core 2 QX9770 is able to nearly match the performance of the i7-965 EE.
Valve Source Particle Simulation
Valve released this particle simulation test a while back for benchmarking platforms and CPUs.

The Valve Source particle simulation test is another test that sees a big boost from the power of the Nehalem core. The Core i7-965 EE is more than 42% faster in these tests than the Core 2 QX9770. Even the Core i7-920 with Turbo Mode disabled is able to beat the QX9770 by about 12%.
Valve Source Map Compilation
More of a developer test than gamer test, this benchmark is indicative of how long it takes a system to compile a map.

It looks like the map compilation results are maxing out with a four thread limit as we see no performance gain going from the QX9770 to the new HyperThreaded Core i7 processors.
this very interesting
this very interesting information I’ve learned so much from intel over the years i been studying computers alot its ny passion and i will continue to full fill my dreams
Grammar and punctuation are
Grammar and punctuation are important things to know too.