Back in June during this year’s Computex show we reported on a brewing relationship between NVIDIA and VIA that partnered two companies together with a common enemy: Intel.  The idea at the time was to pair NVIDIA’s mid-range GPUs with VIA’s Nano processor, at the time the best low power processor option on the market, to create a cheap yet enticing low cost gaming platform.  However, once Intel’s Atom processor came onto the scene and started gobbling up the marketshare VIA was attempting to get, the partnership quickly fell off the map until now.

Word from this Digitimes story is that the project is “on hold” which almost definitely means that it’s “dead in the water.”  I am eagerly lookling forward to seeing SOMETHING from the two but I won’t be betting anyone’s farms on it.

Nvidia and VIA Technologies’ cooperation over a platform for netbooks and Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs) was recently suspended, according to sources at VIA.

Nvidia and VIA signed a cooperation agreement in April this year which would see VIA’s C7 and Nano CPUs paired with MCP79 IGP chipsets from Nvidia, according to previous reports.

Although cooperation on the platform is suspended, VIA said the two are still continuing to cooperate and will showcase co-developed desktop PC products at CES 2009.