At about 4lbs (1900g) the Thermalright TRUE Copper is absolutely huge, there aren’t any other retail heatsinks for PCs that you can pick up that are even close to it’s size.  You would have to move to heatsinks for industrial use to find bigger, but how much more weight do you want on your fragile core anyways?  With a single 120mm fan, the TRUE copper topped the performance of the TRUE Black by 6 degrees.  Icrontic didn’t try testing with a second fan, they were worried that the extra weight might cause the heatsink to reach critical mas.

“So there you have it – the TRUE Copper takes the performance crown as the best performing heatsink we’ve tested to date. Thermalright has taken the tried and tested “Ultra Extreme” and has extended its phenomenal performance even further through the use of 100% copper.”

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