The TX850W offers 850 watts of power and a dedicated 70A on a single +12V rail. Both CrossFire and SLI are supported with four 6+2-pin PCIe cables and the unit offers more than 80% energy efficiency.
Today, our friends over at HardOCP posted a review of this very same power supply – and the results were pretty dang good. Couple that with a sub-$150 price point and the TX850W should continue Corsair’s success in the field.
The Corsair TX850W comes in at a power level that fills a perceived vacancy in Corsair’s product lineup and relies on the same basic design as their TX750W. However, at this power level previously we have had issues with other brands using this model, but today was a new day upon the shining seas. Corsair has seemingly righted the ship that is the PSH850 for the most part by providing a power supply with good voltage regulation, a very good build quality, is reasonably quiet, and has in specification DC output quality making this a solid 850 watt PSU choice.