Another interesting model featured two PCs in a single notebook chassis and where the touch pad would normally be was a 4.3″ touch screen instead that was the display for the smaller, lower powered PC components. The benefit of this is that you can power the larger display with the lower power computer for longer battery life when doing simple things like watching movies. The hardware powering the “main” PC was a common Eee PC setup while the hardware behind the touch pad PC was a mystery – likely either a VIA or NVIDIA system-on-a-chip.
ASUS also showed off general purpose touch screen Eee PCs as well as a touch screen, swivel display tablet-style unit (the Eee PC T91) as well. An iMac-look-alike PC was shown also dubbed the Eee Top and also includes a touch screen. I have a short video below that goes over all of the products with some groovy music in the background. Enjoy!