The Tecon Model “55” is a modernized tube amp, handling not only regular analog audio signals but also sporting a USB connection for use with your PC and a new DAC.  The open construction does mean this amp will require a little care when you are around it, though the flair that it adds is undisputable.  Madshrimps sounds off on a device that is sure to grace the desks of audiophiles everywhere.

“Tecon Model 55 is an integrated SET amplifier, SET standing for Single Ended Triode. The euphoric sound produced by SET (vacuum tube) amps is often compared to that of OTL amps. Sans the transformer, Ouput TransformerLess amplifiers are highly regarded as a purest since little stands between the vacuum tube and Listener. The Model 55 is a rare find for at least one reason, its $398 price tag.”

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