Unless you are an electrician, or plan on setting up in the laundry room, you are going to need some one to come in and redo your wiring if you want to play with the Ultra 1600 Watt PSU.  It only has one 12V rail, breaking the tradition of many PSUs supplying multiple rails.  There is a very good reason for that single rail, it can provide up to 1404W and 117A, which should power any amount of graphics cards you might want to put in your system.  Hi-Tech Reviews loved the Flex-Force Cabling and the high efficiency of the PSU, though they warn that this PSU is large enough to cause problems in smaller cases.
“This is the largest power supply we have ever reviewed and it is also has some of the beefest looking internal parts of any power supply we have ever seen. So what is the beast of a power supply we are referring to? It is Ultra Products X3 1600 watt power supply featuring Flex-Force cabling. The Flex-Force Cabling provide 30% more air flow and easier to hide behind your motherboard and drive cages.”

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