If you are wondering just how far a new Phenom II can be pushed, Legit Reviews has a good idea.  The 810 can be pushed from 2.6 GHz all the way to 4.95GHz, the 720 BE from 2.8GHz to 4.59Ghz, as long as you use the right cooling.  Along with getting an idea of where these processors top out, two other important lessons were learned.  The motherboards don’t mind having ice form on them and the new Phenoms are quite happy running an operating temperature below -40 degrees.

“The AMD Phenom II X3 720 Black Edition processor overclocked much better with Dry Ice cooling since the multiplier could be increased and the CPU voltage was able to go up to 1.90V in the BIOS since ASUS allows for higher voltages on the Black Edition processors. After playing around with the HT reference clock frequency and multiplier we managed to reach 4590MHz from the 2800MHz processor. This is 200MHz shy of a 2GHz overclock and is what we expect from Dry Ice cooling…”

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