“If you’re holding back from testing your copy of Windows 7 because you’re not sure what to do as far as device drivers are concerned, there is something you ought to know (if for some reason you didn’t until this point). Under the hood, Windows 7 is essentially the same as Windows Vista and as such Vista drivers will work just fine a majority of the time.After downloading the drivers, run the installation setup and follow the prompts as if you would any other time. If you are presented with any errors due to compatibility, cancel the installation, right click the on the install package’s .exe and choose “Troubleshoot Compatibility”.”
Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Corsair opens online store for premium parts: DOMINATOR GT leads the way @ HEXUS
- Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 the Wrong Way @ ExtremeTech
- Microsoft plans multiple Windows 7 versions @ The Inquirer
- Gigatribe: Securely Share Files and Folders @ tkArena
- The Computer Repair Utility Kit v2 @ Technibble
- Eikon To Go Fingerprint Readers @ techPowerUp
- Windows 7 – what’s the rush? @ Ars Technica
- How Harvard Law threw down the gauntlet to the RIAA @ Ars Technica
- The Microsoft Windows 7 SKU Strategy Revealed @ TechARP
- Support Cardiff Gaming Society sponsored by OCZ Technology @ CPU3D
Tecch a new dog old tricks
There is a handy little trick that Windows 7 beta testers have been using fairly reliably that makes beta testing the new OS a lot more interesting. If you are installing a driver for a system component and 7 presents you with compatibility errors, simply right click on the .exe file and choose “Troubleshoot Compatibility”.
That brings up a wizard that you can go through to tell 7 to install the driver in Vista compatibility mode
and you are ready to go. You can see pictures of this process in this article on Tech Spot.