In these days of sound bites, highlights and just generally shortened attention spans it can be very frustrating waiting for your browser to load so you can get at your media of choice.  To solve that problem and let you get your your entertainment as fast as possible, Legit Reviews held a race between 11 different browsers, including Opera, IE7 & 8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Seamonkey.  If getting heavily scripted pages up quickly is a must for you, then check out the full review.

“Using a resolution of 1920×1200 and with no other applications open, we fired up the brand new Peacemaker benchmark to see which was the fastest browser. After the dust settled Apple’s Safari 4.0 beta was clearly in the lead and was found to be over six times faster than the slowest browser, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 7.0. It should be pointed out that SeaMonkey 2.0 Alpha 3 did very well and offers significant improvements over SeaMonkey 1.1.14. Firefox 3.1 beta 3 was just released this afternoon and it offers better performance than the previous beta…”

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