“To coincide with the original Opteron processor’s sixth anniversary, AMD showed the latest version of its server roadmap to the press earlier this afternoon. Among other revelations, the company said its 12-core Magny-Cours processors will launch in the first quarter of 2010. A 16-core, 32nm successor based on the next-gen Bulldozer architecture will follow in 2011, as well.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
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AMD’s plans for tomorrow
A new naming scheme and a new bunch of cores will be hitting in the beginning of 2010, such as the Magny-Cours which will sport a dozen cores. You will be waiting until 2011 to see the 32nm Bulldozer core and it’s 16 cores or the 32nm Valencia processors with 6-8 cores. Drop by The Tech Report for a look at the slides AMD has been showing off.