At first glance, the unpainted exterior and unsleeved cables on the ThermalTake Litepower 450W PSU might lead you to believe that the quality of the build also lacked finish and the $70 price tag could reinforce it.  As it turns out, the reality is very different, Overclockers Club tested the PSU thoroughly and found that not only does it’s efficiency remain about 80%, the DC quality is very high.  If you are building a rig that doesn’t need the better part of a kilowatt to power it, or are just looking to be a little more green, read the full review here.

“Overall, the build quality of the Thermaltake Litepower 450W is basic, and corners have been cut – but not where it matters. The case is unpainted and cables unbraided, perhaps to cut costs, but the printed circuit board is good quality by a reputable manufacturer. Packaging and accessories are basic but adequate, but is the price low enough to reflect this? More about this later. Let’s see how well it performs.”

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