We have been seeing demos of Microsoft Surface at most trade shows for the past while.  Microsoft is rightly proud of this new multi-touch interface; they’ve come up with a complete replacement for the mouse and keyboard.  This does present a lot of challenges when designing a GUI for the Surface if you intend to do more than just offer a virtual keyboard and mouse.  Ars Technica has an interview with a design team that is using Surface and goes over some of the obstacles in a multi-user platform, like how to orient yourself so that those working with you don’t have to see everything upside down.  They also talk about the strengths of this new way to use a computer to design code, websites and other uses.

"Ditching the mouse and keyboard means a whole lot more than just doing without two common peripherals. As those who’ve worked with Microsoft Surface have found out, you have to jettison decades of GUI baggage and start with a whole new mindset."

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