Opting for a less extravagant name, Intel’s new extreme motherboard for the Core i7 is called the DX58SO.  As well they went with no box art and a minimum of connectors and adaptors.  The extras are on the motherboard as well as the driver CD which comes with a long list of software.  One of the most noticeable features when you first look at this board are the DIMM slots, which are located at the top of the board.  Less obvious is the work that went into the Turbo Boost implementation which was one of the best that X-bit Labs has seen.  Along with a solid VDroop control, this motherboard deserves to be on anyone’s list of high end motherboards.

“We first learned about the features of the Intel DX58SO mainboard back in early November 2008, right after the NDA lift and before the official launch of the new Intel platform. Our article called ‘New Hit from Remake King: Intel Core i7 Review’ contain a short chapter devoted to this mainboard. However, this solution turned out very interesting and quite unique that is why we decided to devote the whole separate article to the numerous features and functionality of the flagship LGA1366 Intel board from the extreme series.”

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