“Our first preview of our Intel Core i5 processor that we purchased online last week. We put the 2.66GHz Core i5 model 750 through some overclocking paces to show you what can be achieved easily with an enthusiast air cooler.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- Lots of ways to get to Magny-Cours @ SemiAccurate
- Nine Things To Do With Your Linux eeePC @ Linux
- 28nm is ready to go @ The Inquirer
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- Sumo Lounge Omni @ Phoronix
- Top Online Clothing Stores @ Digital Trends
- Vantec ezShare Pro Transfer Cable @ Pro- Clockers
- Protecting your computer against viruses, spyware and other threats @ Tech-Xtreme
- Basic Security in Wireless Networks @ Hardware Secrets
Core i5 reveals its hot side

[H]ard|OCP has revealed the overclocking potential of the Core i5 on their front page. You won’t see any performance benchmarks in their sneak peek, those are still a loosely kept secret. What you will see is an impressive overclocking tool in action, and that is not a comment about the reviewer, it is about the i5 One Button OCing
tool. With a simple push of a button and a few seconds wait, your system will automatically overclock its self, voltages and all. That didn’t stop [H] from trying some manual OCing as well.