P55 based motherboards have been teasing enthusiasts for over a week and from every possible direction.  While you cannot yet buy them, and no site is supposed to publish actual performance benchmarks with numbers of the new P55 and i5 combo so we aren’t quite sure how it will measure up to the x58 and i7 combo we are familiar with.  A quick guess can tell you what it will be like; the programs that can use hyperthreading and take advantage of the extra memory bandwidth of triple channel RAM are next to zero.  Almost directly next to zero.  That leaves clock speed, and those will be in the same ball park; so guess away.

Ryan just finished up with a preview of what will be ASUS’s second most feature filled, as well as pricey, P55 motherboard called the P7P55D.  Among other things, it sports a certain SATA 6G chip that is rather exciting.

“We have yet another P55 motherboard preview to share with you today as we continue to prepare for the mounting barrage of Intel Lynnfield processor reviews and associated P55 offerings. This ASUS P7P55D Premium looks to be the only (or one of just a couple) boards to actually keep the Marvell 9123 SATA 6G chip. The power phase technology on the Premium is also pretty unique – be sure to stop in and see what is coming next month!”

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