Corsair enters yet another market

Corsair is known for high quality and enthusiast friendly memory products and now the company is attempting to bring that mindset to the world of computer cases. The Obsidian 800D is a big case that has plenty of room for water cooling, implements a classy cable management system and even adds a 4 drive hot-swap SATA bay.
The Corsair Obsidian 800D is the company’s first attempt to enter the world of computer cases and we have to say we are quite smitten with it.  Check out our full video review below and of course you can still find a slew of photos to walk you through the case under that!

If you still want to see a host of images of the Corsair Obsidian 800D, check below and on the following page!

Corsair Obsidian 800D Full ATX Chassis Review - Cases and Cooling 25

Corsair Obsidian 800D Full ATX Chassis Review - Cases and Cooling 26

Corsair Obsidian 800D Full ATX Chassis Review - Cases and Cooling 27

Corsair Obsidian 800D Full ATX Chassis Review - Cases and Cooling 28

A quick walk around the Obsidian 800D shows us that this is indeed a large case with a window on the component side door.  The power supply is installed at the bottom of the system and there is a lot of room along the top for radiators, etc. 


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