Foxconn is abandoning the graphics market altogether according to DigiTimes.  The majority of employees will be shifting to the OEM division and plan on upping the amount of motherboards that they ship over the coming year.  Their new BloodRage X58 board has received positive reviews, while reviews of their graphics cards are hard to find as they haven’t been keeping up with the insane pace of GPU refreshes from nVIDIA. 

They are also somewhat known for their netbooks in China, though usually the notebook is sold as an OEM product and not branded.  That market has been causing some difficulties for the company but it seems they have a new angle to try.  According to this story on Slashdot, they are working on developing and marketing an ARM based Linux smartbook and are also poking around Google’s Android.

“Foxconn Electronics has given up marketing graphics cards under its own brand and has rearranged its Channel Service Division (CSD) shifting the majority of the 9,000 employees, mainly related to production, to its OEM division. Around 500, mainly sales and marketing related, staff remain in CSD, according to Young Liu, special assistant to the CEO.

Foxconn CSD recently included white-box netbook and smartbook businesses under its operation, and will take a conservative attitude toward its own-brand motherboard business, Liu noted.”

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