You’ve heard of Hackintoshes, a regular PC onto which a Mac OS is installed.  Usually this involves quite a bit of tinkering in order to convince the Mac OS that it is OK to be running on hardware unapproved by Apple.  Psystar, who has had a long history of thumbing their nose at Apple has released a new product called Rebel EFI.  This program will have you up and running in no time at all and with no kernel fiddling required.  What makes this even more interesting is that the open source Hackintosh community noticed enough similarity in Psystar’s program that they’ve called foul, feeling that their code has been placed in commercial software.  Read more at Hack a Day.

“As if bankruptcy shenanigans and an unresolved exchange of lawsuits with Apple weren’t enough, Mac clone maker Psystar is really swatting the beehive now with the release of Rebel EFI, a $50 software package that promises a straightforward installation of Mac OS X on a variety of commodity x86 systems.”

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