“The top ASRock mainboard on Intel P55 Express chipset looks good, comes with rich accessories bundle and boasts a number of different functions and features. Unfortunately, fault-free performance in nominal mode is not one of them: the board couldn’t ensure stable CPU functioning at nominal settings.”Here are some more Motherboard articles from around the web:
- Superfluity and Insufficiency of Gigabyte GA-P55-UD6 Mainboard @ X-Bit Labs
- DFI LanParty BI G41-T33 Motherboard Review @ Legit Reviews
- ASUS P7P55D EVO P55 LGA1156 Motherboard Review @ Benchmark Reviews
- ASUS P7P55D Deluxe LGA 1156 Motherboard @ Bjorn3D
- Gigabyte P55-UD6 Motherboard @ iXBT
- DFI LANParty Jr. GF9400 T2RS mATX Motherboard
- GIGABYTE P55-UD6 @ motherboards.org
- MSI P55-GD80 LGA1156 Motherboard Review @ Hardware Canucks
- ASUS P7P55D Deluxe @ motherboards.org
- Gigabyte MA785GMT-UD2H @ Bjorn3D
- ECS A785GM-M @ PureOverclock
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…
The ASRock P55 Deluxe sports quite a few
features including the ability to use most LGA775 coolers thanks to some interesting thinking on the part of their engineers. There are enough high end features to make you question what ASRock is intending in the marketplace as they have tended towards the value end of the spectrum. Unfortunately, the glow only lasted until the first POST, after that X-bit Labs found the BIOS to be a rather difficult beast to deal with. In the end that brought the review to a less than positive conclusion.