Skip the Intel X-25 Extreme, those in need of pure storage satisfaction should talk to ViON who have produced a 100TB DRAM SSD.  Think 100TB of storage that provides five million IOPS and speeds along with 60GB/sec of bandwidth.  Not impressed yet?  It uses ECC DRAM, so no bits will be flipping on you and it is set up as a RAID so your data redunadncy is covered.  How much would that run you to pick up is a bit of a mystery as no price tag was included, but as The Register puts it “six figures of IOPS capability often involves six figures of cash“.  Save up those pennies!

“ViON have produced a 100TB DRAM solid state drive, which they claim to be the largest flash memory-based storage box in the world.

The HyperStor-6200 uses both Hitachi Data Systems and Texas Memory Systems technology – think RamSan 6200 – and provides five million I/Os per second (IOPS) with 60GB/sec bandwidth. It is a monster of an SSD.”

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