“ViON have produced a 100TB DRAM solid state drive, which they claim to be the largest flash memory-based storage box in the world.The HyperStor-6200 uses both Hitachi Data Systems and Texas Memory Systems technology – think RamSan 6200 – and provides five million I/Os per second (IOPS) with 60GB/sec bandwidth. It is a monster of an SSD.”
Here are some more Storage reviews from around the web:
- OCZ Agility 60GB SSD (SLC) @ Bjorn3D
- Kingston SSDNow V Series 40GB Boot Drive @ PureOverclock
- The SSD Improv: Intel & Indilinx get TRIM, Kingston Brings Intel Down to $115 @ AnandTech
- Kingston SSDNow V 40GB @ Bjorn3D
- Samsung Spinpoint F3 Hard Drive @ InsideHW
- Two Kingston 40GB V Series Boot Drive SSDs in RAID 0 @ Legit Reviews
- Thermaltake BlacX Duet Dual HDD Docking Station @ Pro-Clockers
- Axus FiT 300 RAID @ CCER
- Thermaltake BlacX Duet Dual Hard Drive Docking Station Review @ Tweaknews
- Thecus N0503 ComboNAS Review @ High Tech Reviews
- A-DATA SH93 Waterproof and Shock Resistant Portable HDD @ Tweaktown
How about a little SSD envy
Skip the Intel X-25 Extreme, those in need of pure storage satisfaction should talk to ViON who have produced a 100TB DRAM SSD. Think 100TB of storage that provides five million IOPS and speeds along with 60GB/sec of bandwidth.
Not impressed yet? It uses ECC DRAM, so no bits will be flipping on you and it is set up as a RAID so your data redunadncy is covered. How much would that run you to pick up is a bit of a mystery as no price tag was included, but as The Register puts it “six figures of IOPS capability often involves six figures of cash“. Save up those pennies!