There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes at ISPs for them to be able to deliver the internet to you.  From bandwidth monitoring to quality assurance; the list is quite long but the current focus of Google has narrowed to DNS resolution.  If you are unfamiliar with domain name resolution, a simple way to describe it is that it is the service that changes to, or whichever IP address of the server you are trying to hit currently resolves to.  The speeds of that translation can vary significantly from ISP to ISP, so Google has created a public DNS that they intend to be a faster alternative.  Can they deliver?  Read the story at Slashdot to see how they measure up to the existing choices.

“Google just announced its new Google DNS platform. Many have viewed this as a move to increase ad revenue, or maybe capture more data. This article explores those questions, as well as the actual benchmarking results for Google DNS – showing that it is faster than many, but not nearly as fast as many others.”

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