“A last minute issue discovered during the validation of ATI Radon HD 5830-based reference boards has prompted AMD to postpone the cards from their scheduled launch on January 25 to a later date, sources at graphics card makers have revealed.”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
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- Carbon nanotube dye may put a capacitor in your shorts @ Ars Technica
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AMD’s mobility 5830 has some troubles making it out the door
The new mobile graphics chipset from AMD, the 5830 has a small problem with the circuitry on its PCB according to DigiTimes. This explains the delay in its launch as the scheduled date of release was earlier this week; they are now hoping for a February launch. The problems source seems a bit of a surprise, the 5830 is a 40nm process chip after all. This is not going to apply to discreet graphics cards, it is only the mobility boards based off of the new chip that are having issues.