“The device, a Snapdragon-powered, HTC-built phone looks — on paper, at least — like the ultimate Android handset, combining a newly tweaked and tightened user interface with killer industrial design. A sleek, streamlined phone that can easily go toe-to-toe with the iPhone 3GSs, Pres, and Droids of the world, powered by the latest version of Android (2.1 “Flan,” if you’re counting), and hand-retooled by Google. But is it all it’s cracked up to be? Can the Nexus One possibly live up to the hype ascribed to it? And more importantly, is the appearance of the phone the death knell for the OHA and a sign of the coming Android autocracy? In our exclusive review of the Nexus One, we’ll answer all those pressing questions and more… so read on for the full scoop!”Here is some more Tech News from around the web:
- 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist @ Wired
- Marvell outs Plug Computer 3.0 @ SemiAccurate
- TV Everywhere: gift to consumers or plot to kill online TV? @ Ars Technica
- 2016 bug hits Windows phones @ The Register
- Zalman’s Upcoming Lineup Revealed: A Pictorial Overview @ Hardware Canucks
- CES 2010 – USB 3, ITV/Media Streamers and Lots of eReaders @ AnandTech
- CES 2010 Coverage: Introduction, ASUS & CES Unveiled @ Tweaknews
- CES 2010: Crucial RealSSD C300 6Gbps SATA SSD Demo @ Legit Reviews
- CES Showcase: Asus Announces Four New Laptops @ HotHardware
- Predicting the Hottest Gadgets of CES 2010 @ Digital Trends
Google designs a mobile replicant
While probably not quite as powerful as Roy, Zhora or Pris at least we won’t have to hire Decker to hunt down rogue Nexus phones. We could have used him to kill some of the hype that Google’s phone created in the lead up to the release. Engadget has posted the most complete preview of this phone so far, which you can find here. It is a tiny HTC-like phone with a 480 x 800 capacitive touchscreen and is powered by a 1GHz Snapdragon QSD 8250 processor theoretically offering better speed than the iPhone. You can also pick up more information at DailyTech.