Instead of focusing solely on the kilowatt level of PSUs, it is worth keeping an eye on the 500W neighbourhood.  Seriously, unless you are planning on at least 2 graphics cards and a 10 disk RAID you do not need that cool 1250W PSU.  By pegging the proper PSU, your system will produce less heat and noise and your power bill will drop.  Just make sure that you don’t underpower your system.  A perfect example is the Thermaltake Litepower 450W which is up for review at [H]ard|OCP.  A 5 year warranty on what is really a very basic PSU is a great thing and speaks towards Thermaltake’s belief in the PSU.  It does only have a single 6 pin PCIe connector and no cable sleeving but it is the only sub-500W PSU to pass [H]’s torture testing!

“Thermaltake today brings us its lowest power hardware enthusiast PSU ever. Known for Gold Editor’s Choice award winners in the 1200 watt range, we get to see what Thermaltake brings to the table on the low end and if it carries a value that enthusiast users should be checking out for that next low-end build.”

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