Clocked just 50MHz higher than the HD 4550 with 50 million more transistors the new HD5450 might not seem like much, unless you pay attention to the fact that this is a 40nm card.  That new process has dropped its TDP below 20, making passive cooling an easy choice for AMD and resellers.  Add DX11 and Eyefinity support, the usual triplet of video outputs found on HD 5xxx series cards and you have a serious card for around $50.  AnandTech’s biggest hope with this card is that you will finally be able to utilize the noise reducing software AMD provides as well as HD audio.  Find out how AMD did.

"4 chips in 6 months reaches its end today, with the launch of the final chip in AMD’s Evergreen stack: Cedar. Cedar, the baby of the family, will be powering AMD’s bottom-tier cards. Today we’re seeing the the first of what we expect will be a couple of Cedar cards with the launch of the Radeon 5450."

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