“Unlike the Core 2 processors, the new Core i7 and Core i5 processors have a monolithic design. That means the entire quad-core processor is fabricated on a single die. The quad-core version of the Core 2 processor, on the other hand, combines two dual-core dies in a multi-chip package (MCP). The newer Clarksdale core (powering some Core i5 processors) also uses the latest 32 nm process technology. Finally, the Core i7 and Core i5 processors feature a slew of new technologies :
- an integrated DDR3 memory controller
- a three-tier cache design
- QuickPath Interconnect (or Direct Media Interface for some Core i5 processors)
- Intel Turbo Mode technology (now renamed Intel Turbo Boost)
This article will focus on the mysterious Intel Turbo Boost Technology. It has been bandied about by Intel as a nifty way to improve the Core i7’s performance with older applications that cannot fully utilize its four processing cores, but what exactly is it?”
Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- AMD vs Intel in a $100-150 CPU Battle @ hardCOREware
- Intel Pine Trail platform @ InsideHW
- Mobile CPU Comparison Guide @ TechARP
- Desktop CPU Comparison Guide @ TechARP
- Athlon II X4 635 and Phenom II X2 555 CPU Review @ Hardware Secrets
- Intel Core i5 661 Processor Review @ OCIA
Just what is Turbo Boost anyways
TechARP takes a detailed look into one of the most talked about features in the new Core family from Intel. Originally it was a way for the processor to dynamic overclock its self to increase the speed at which programs that could only use a single core operated but it has now grown into a general overclocking tool. In almost all cases you should leave it on, it only becomes a problem on heavily overclocked systems as that extra bump of 133Mhz might take the processors speed into unstable territory. You can learn more about its effects in benchmarks and how to turn it off by reading the full article.