PCPer File Copy Test

PC Perspective File-Copy Test v0.3

Our custom PCPer-FC test does some fairly simple file creation and copy routines in order to test the storage system for speed.  The script creates a set of files of varying sizes, times the creation process, then copies the same files to another partition on the same hard drive and times the copy process as well.  There are four file patterns that we used to try and find any strong or weak points in the hardware: 10 files @ 1000 MB each, 100 files @ 100 MB each, 500 files @ 10 MB each and 1000 files at 1 MB each. 

Kingston SSDNow V Series (2nd Gen) 128GB SSD Review - JMicron JMF618 Makes an Appearance! - Storage 34

Kingston SSDNow V Series (2nd Gen) 128GB SSD Review - JMicron JMF618 Makes an Appearance! - Storage 35

The new JMF618 fared a bit better than the write speed limited Intel-based 40GB model, but trailed behind the rest of the SSD pack.  There was no heavy stuttering as we’ve seen with prior JMicron controllers, but we did note some odd results in the 10MB file creation and copying.  It seemed that specific file size did not play nicely with the cache tuning of this particular controller.
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