Yesterday’s slip by Gigabyte in a compatiblity list, which hinted at the existence of an unlockable Intel CPU, the Core i7-875K.  DigiTimes has also heard this from their sources, though they heard tell of a pair of processors, as the 655K accompany the 875K in a release scheduled some time in June or July. 

The Tech Report has picked up some news from the other side of the fence, involving AMD’s upcoming Opteron X6, X8 and X12 models.  There are sixteen X12 models ranging from $290 for an Opteron 6124 HE to $1,485 for an Opteron 6176 SE.  These are Socket G34 products and support quad-channel DDR3 memory up to 12 modules per socket and are targeted at the high end, with quad processor, 48 total core servers in mind.  The lower end Socket C32 processors have yet to appear.

“Unreleased AMD processors are all rushing to online store listings, it seems. After Phenom II X6 processors in Norway, we now see an online retailer in the U.S. has put up listings for a whole series of 8- and 12-core Opterons based on the Magny-Cours design.

Searching for “Opteron X12” on the Provantage website yields no fewer than 16 matches, with prices ranging from $290 for an Opteron 6124 HE to $1,485 for an Opteron 6176 SE. All 16 products are either back-ordered or on special order.

The specifications listed contain some gaps, so we can’t put together a complete picture of the lineup. We can, however, make a few assumptions. The 6124 HE, 6128, 6134, and 6136 models all have 16MB of total cache (4MB of L2 and 12MB of L3), for instance, while the 6164 HE, 6168, 6172, 6174, and 6176 have 18MB (that is, 6MB of L2 and 12MB of L3). Since AMD typically straps 512KB of L2 cache to each core, we’d wager the first group is made up of eight-core offerings, while the second batch is all 12-core.”

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