Since having 4 cores or even 8 threads is now completely passe, The Inquirer has assemble a quick primer on Nehalem EX and Magny Cours. Pressing questions like whether 12 cores at 3.46GHz will beat 24 cores at 2.3GHz and just how scalable is adding these extra cores going to effect performance.  Most of the information is not new, but it is very nice to have it assembled into a quick reference.

“AS EXPECTED, the last week of March saw both Intel and AMD unveil what will be their highest end X86 CPU product lines for this year: for Intel the Nehalem EX Xeon 7500 series, and for AMD the Magny Cours Opteron 6100 series. And we still have the Westmere EP Xeon 5600 series that Intel launched just two weeks ago.

After all the launch buzz, what’s the comparative situation and how do the new platforms stack up against each other? Before we go into the Nehalem EX benchmarking, here is the overview on the new stuff from both vendors.”

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