AMD’s 1090T six core processor continues to dominate the news, as it is one of the biggest things to come out of their Fabs in quite a while.  It is a dream for Folders, the Folding@Home points per day performance sits in the middle of the Core i7 series from Intel and for a lot less money.  Overclockers are also going to have a smile; for instance, The Tech Report fired up AMD’s Overdrive tool and hit a base clock of 3.9GHz @ 1.4V with a Turbo Core clock of 4.3GHz @ 1.525V.  All that happened at the push of a button, they didn’t have to visit the BIOS once.  AMD has done well for themselves, let us hope the price comes down to the MSRP soon!

“At long last, AMD has added turbocharging to its suite of CPU technologies, giving us a six- cylinder processor that’s bulging with potential for questionable car analogies. Fortunately, the Phenom II X6 stands on its merits as a worthy challenger to some of Intel’s best CPUs.”

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