“At long last, AMD has added turbocharging to its suite of CPU technologies, giving us a six- cylinder processor that’s bulging with potential for questionable car analogies. Fortunately, the Phenom II X6 stands on its merits as a worthy challenger to some of Intel’s best CPUs.”Here are some more Processor articles from around the web:
- AMD Phenom II X6 1090T BE: A Six-Headed Dragon @ InsideHW
- Phenom II X6 1090T – AMD Enters the Six-Core Arena @ Techgage
- Cores from AMD: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition and Phenom II X6 1055T CPU @ X-bit Labs
- The AMD Phenom II X6 “Thuban” 1090T 6-core Black Edition Processor @ Futurelooks
- AMD Six-Core Phenom II X6 1090T & 1055T Processors Reviewed @ EOC!
- AMD Athlon II X3 425 On Linux @ Phoronix
- AMD Athlon II 440 x3 3.0GHz @ TechwareLabs
AMD’s phenomenal sexy-core CPU
AMD’s 1090T six core processor continues to dominate the news, as it is one of the biggest things to come out of their Fabs in quite a while. It is a dream for Folders, the Folding@Home points per day performance sits in the middle of the Core i7 series from Intel and for a lot less money. Overclockers are also going to have a smile; for instance, The Tech Report fired up AMD’s Overdrive tool and hit a base clock of 3.9GHz @ 1.4V with a Turbo Core clock of 4.3GHz @ 1.525V.
All that happened at the push of a button, they didn’t have to visit the BIOS once. AMD has done well for themselves, let us hope the price comes down to the MSRP soon!