It is confirmed that the Win7 ROM that will be present in for any phones that will be based off of Microsoft’s new mobile platform can be jailbroken.  In keeping with Microsoft’s general image, the unlock gives you access to Mobile Office 2010.   That is perhaps not as fun as what you can get a hold of on a jailbroken iPhone but it certainly fits the target audience.  There are currently some similarities between the iPhone and a Win7 phone, for instance no multitasking on Win7 based phones similar to all but the new unreleased 4th iteration of Apple’s mobile OS.  Drop by Ars Technica for more news about a phone that sounds a lot less fun than an Android.

“The Windows Phone 7 developer kit was updated last week. The new version brought support for the RTM version of Visual Studio 2010, released mid-April, as well as a new, improved emulator image.

Just as with its predecessor, most of the features in the emulator image are locked down and inaccessible. And just as with its predecessor, enterprising individuals have figured out a way to unlock them. The new emulator image includes the Office Mobile 2010 capabilities shown recently.”

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