Media and Rendering Tests
CineBench 11.5
CineBench 11.5 is a real-world cross platform test suite that evaluates a computer’s performance capabilities. It is based on Maxon’s animation software called Cinema 4D, which is used extensively by studios and production houses worldwide for 3D content creation. CineBench is a great tool to compare CPU and graphics rendering performance across various systems and platforms.
Known mainly for its DVD re-encoding prowess, our test uses the Handbrake command line interface.
CineBench really taxes a board’s CPU, but the X58A-UD3R performed better than its competitors in the single-thread tests, and was pretty even in the multi-thread results too. We were a little disappointed with the scores we recorded during the DVD compression section of our review. But, if you put the scores into perspective, they actual difference between all three scores doesn’t equate to a large performance gap between these boards.