Basic routers are not the most sexy of tech and once you have bought one you will probably use it until it dies, or the new wireless spec finally arrives.  It really isn’t a piece of kit you think about much, let alone research new models coming out so you can upgrade to the newest model.  As you might have heard on this weeks podcast (#113), even Ryan has an old outdated router.  You just might want to consider upgrading or at the very least switching to DD-WRTfirmware as there will be a tool released at this years Black Hat convention that will allow DNS rebinding based attacks on a huge amount of router models currently in use.  Drop by Slashdot for a look at which models are vulnerable as well as a possible way to avoid being hit.

“Craig Heffner, a researcher with Maryland-based security consultancy Seismic, plans to release a software tool at the Black Hat conference later this month that he says could be used on about half the existing models of home routers, including most Linksys, Dell, and Verizon FiOS or DSL versions. The tool apparently exploits the routers through DNS rebinding. While this technique has been discussed for 15 years or more, Heffner says ‘It just hasn’t been put together like this before.”

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