Over at Hack a Day is an example of ingenuity for those who would like to be able to charge their cellphones without needing a plug and adaptor.  With a little work this project will enable you to inductively charge your cellphone and you will not need to do anything that would void your warranty.  The mod is external and the wiring uses the existing charging port so you do not have to worry about any soldering or other tricks, though you may end up looking for a different case or shell as the charging backplate needs to be attached to the phone somehow.

“[Derek Hughes] wanted to use inductive charging on his cellphone without voiding the warranty. He picked up a Pixi charging backplate meant for a Palm Pre and scavenged the coil and regulator circuitry from it. To make the electrical connection with his HTC HD2 he removed the mini-USB plug from a charging cable and connected it with 30 gauge wire. The whole package will fit beneath the back plate for use with a Touchstone charger (as we’ve seen with the HTC Evo) but there was one problem. The metal backplate from the HD2 interferes with the inductive charging. For now he’s using tape to hold everything together while searching for a plastic case replacement.”

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