Thermaltake has new lineup, the Toughpower Grand Series with two members, a 650W and a a 750W PSU.  Both sport the 80+ Gold label, modular cabling, automatic switching between 110/230V and a single very powerful 12V rail.  Both PSUs are over $100 and both are indeed worth it for those that value a rock solid PSU, the 650W handled an overclocked Core i7 980X and a pair of GeForce GTX 480s along with assorted drives and fans with no problems.  Needless to say, Legion Hardware was impressed.

“The cable management system, or modular design as it is commonly referred to, helps to not only simplify the installation process, but it also makes for a very tidy install, and this is always something that we like to see. Finally, we have been very pleased with the Thermaltake Toughpower Grand series, and believe that they would make a fine addition to any high-end gaming system.”

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